Wednesday 21 September 2011

Andrew Goodwin's Theory - Music Videos

Genre: - Alternative Pop Music
Eliza Doolittle – Skinny Genes
·         The environment around her is upbeat and everyone is happy and cheerful.
·         Everyone is dressed old fashioned/quirky.
·         The setting is almost make belief with a bath tub sitting in the middle of the room.
·         When the video ends she sort of clicks her fingers and the screen turns black, it sort of indicates to the audience that it’s a made up world.
Kate Nash – Mouthwash
·         The video is fast paced.
·         It jumps from her real life to her make belief world in her mind.
·         She’s quite still but everything around her is moving fast.
·         It’s set in a theatre/on a stage. This shows that it isn’t real.

VV Brown – Crying Blood
·         The artist is energetic.
·         It’s set in a make belief place.
·         Stage lights go out at the end which shows the audience that it wasn’t real, it was make belief.

·         All artists fashion style is unusual and they mainly dress in the style of the 50’s/60’s era.
·         All videos are set in a dream like world and have a mystical theme to it.
·         All videos have vibrant colours to them.
·         In the videos some of the characters play the beat of the song on objects such as a table and body parts.
·         In all three videos some sort of stage performance/dance routine is incorporated.

1 comment:

  1. Tennika, you offer a brief analysis of the videos and have focused on certain aspects but it is unclear what these aspects are, for examples is it colour, narrative, locations? Also you have not applied Goodwin's theory which is what your title suggests. Can you deepen your analysis to explore more features of the music video and extend the analysis you have begun?
